Weekly Astrology Forecast, January 28-February 3: Potential

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It’s a new week, one that extends excitements and invitations of epic proportions. As we continue to experience the recent ethers of the Sun transiting into Aquarius and the era-defining movement of Pluto moving into the same sign, Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, moves forward once again following its five-month retrograde. This movement allows us access to the innovative and surprising energy of both Aquarius and Uranus. It also sets the cosmic stage for the next two months of no retrogrades.

Weekly Astrology Forecast at a Glance

January 28: Uranus (and All Planets) Direct
January 28: Moon in Virgo opposes Saturn in Aquarius
January 28: Venus in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus
January 28: Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus
January 29: Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus
January 30: Moon enters Libra
January 31: Moon in Libra square Mars in Capricorn

Uranus is the last of the planets to go direct, which means there will be no retrogrades for the next two months. Expect a relatively quiet week with potential. unfolding. (Illustrations: mikroman6 | Getty)

Uranus (and All Planets) Direct

Uranus is expansion and innovation and higher consciousness. It is breakthroughs and heightened awareness and cracking open so that future can pour into the now. And it is quick. Known as the Great Awakener, the planet escorts us beyond the confines of the known and past the expected, the status quo, and the structures that in some way inhibit our magic.

Uranus has been retrograding in Taurus since August of 2023. This has afforded us space to sink into who we have become. To integrate the growth and change that we have initiated and experienced throughout our life. To sink into the medicine of becoming comfortable, intimate, and safe in the person that we are. We have been getting to know ourselves.

The planet’s sudden forward movement is an invitation to accept, once again, the expansion calling our name. To welcome the change that has been waiting for us. And to know that we wouldn’t be drawn to change if we were not ready.

Uranus direct opens doorways into new ideas, new consciousness, new pathways available for us to explore. It brings our attention to lingering structures, narratives, spaces, beliefs, patterns, or expectations—from within or without—that restrict us in any way.

Uranus reminds us that, like life itself, we are always in motion. Every expression of ourselves in every chapter along our timeline has allowed us to stand in exactly who we are today. We have been releasing just as much as we have been growing, with each moment leading beautifully into the next.

As the planet moves forward once again, we are offered a clear and supportive path ahead into the self that has been waiting to meet us. While in the grounded earth sign of Taurus, Uranus highlights a beautiful paradox: The more we are in our bodies, the more we have access to all that exists beyond the body. The more we are rooted in the tangible, the more we have access to the intangible.

The illustrated symbol for the astrological sign of Taurus, which is the bull.
The sign of Taurus brings the traits of steadiness and conscientiousness to each situation in life. (Illustration: ProVectors | Getty)

Uranus in Taurus highlights our bodies as receptive transmitters of energy, consciousness, wisdom, and information. We are given the chance to settle into our bodies so we might hold more of this expansion, as if we were a vessel for consciousness to pour itself into at any moment.

Taurus’s influence on Uranus also nudges us to seek simplicity. The simple yet profound truths of being a human. The practices and places that make us feel most like us. The quiet moments and silence that, somehow, seem to hold so much.

Your Invitation From Astrology This Week

This week invites you to take a step back and feel safe, supported, and ready so that when the time comes, you can say yes to change.

Take a moment to reflect on the timeline of your life. What were some of your major moments of transition? Were they related to breaking free? Leaping into change? What actions did you take to step into your potential and enter an entirely new way of being? What were the moments that allowed so much more of you to enter your life? How did these moments, experiences, actions, and leaps continue to ripple into your future in ways that you couldn’t possibly have seen in the moment?

This is where Uranus assists you. It brings your capacity for visioning to new heights. As you come into its realm and see the potential that awaits, you can choose, with intention, the direction that you desire, the energies that you want to embody, and the way of being that you want to bring to life.

This week, engage in meditation, embodiment practices, writing, imagining, dreaming, playing within possibilities, outdoor grounding practices such as hiking, and opening your body and mind to new things. These are the invitations of Uranus as it moves forward once again.


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