What the Full Moon in Virgo February 2024 Means for You

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While the full Moon sits in Virgo, the Sun sits in opposition in Pisces. Together, Virgo and Pisces form a spectrum, or axis, of energy. In the middle, where their energies meet, lives a beautiful integration of their highest vibrations. At either end exists their extremes or shadows.

The axis of Virgo and Pisces, which are opposite one another on the zodiac wheel and share similar tendencies but in opposite extremes. (Illustration: Getty Images)

Each full Moon brings us the opportunity to do shadow work, where we peer behind the walls of our conscious mind into our shadows. We can feel if we are resonating with the low frequencies of the energies, which shed light on this part of ourselves and reveal unconscious patterns. With the Moon’s help, we can shift into a higher vibration through release and often forgiveness.

Virgo and Pisces offer us two different portals to the same energy of spirituality, healing, and service. Whereas Virgo is form, order, and refinement, Pisces is formless, chaotic, and all-encompassing. Where Virgo is worldly and connected to the Earth, Pisces is otherworldly and connected to infinite space. Pisces sees no distinction between us and another. Pisces teaches us that we are all connected through consciousness. Virgo, however, demands that we stay within the boundaries of space, time, and our bodies. It asks us to define our energy and our world.

Pisces encourages us not to react to emotions but rather observe the fluctuations of energy and sensations within the body and mind. From this nonreactive state, Pisces follows the flow of the universe, trusting its every twist and turn. Pisces surrenders to the unknown and teaches us to be patient as we watch our lives unfold.

Virgo, on the other hand, acts. Virgo understands the flow of the universe but chooses to provide some direction. Virgo reminds us that while trust and surrender are important, so are direction and guidance. The universe will respond to deadlines and time limits if we state them. We do not have to sit around patiently forever. Virgo teaches us that we can make some reasonable demands. We can ask, for example, to see a sign in the next six months. Our job then becomes to trust that what doesn’t unfold on our timeline may be an opportunity for redirection.

As the energies of Virgo and Pisces dance with each other this full Moon in Virgo, their lower vibrations are also revealed. The low, or shadow, side of Pisces includes escapism, addiction, and codependency. These conditions stem from the lack of boundaries between Pisces and the outside world, causing too many emotions. When we align with this side of Pisces, we become unaware of which emotions are our own and which belong to someone else. We then seek behaviors that help us drown out all the feelings so we do not have to sort through them. This escapism shows up as unconscious eating, binging television shows, drug and alcohol use, and anything that helps us disconnect from the experience of life.

Another side of this escapism is getting lost in empathy and feeling everything to the point of losing touch with ourselves. We can no longer separate our feelings from someone else’s.

As you bring your awareness to Pisces’s and Virgo’s lower vibrations in your own self, you open the door to shift them into a higher state. Understanding is the first step for release. This leads to a nonreactive self who is in full control of their inner and outer worlds, a person who loves and accepts themselves fully, knowing they are part of the vast universe. This connection brings forth endless inner knowledge and imagination. It also reminds us that we are all good enough. We are the stars, the Sun, and the Moon. Everything we do is in perfect harmony with universal energy, meaning we can’t make a mistake.

When aligned with both Pisces and Virgo, it becomes easy to recognize what you have to offer this world. You can see your unique brilliance in the sea of stars. You can also recognize that your light is needed and that it is good enough for the world. All you have to do is give it to others, and in doing so, you contribute to the higher good of the collective. If you choose to dim your light because you feel it isn’t worthy of recognition or that it’s fraudulent in some way, you take away from the collective.

A vintage illustration of the planets in the known solar system orbiting around the Sun in a typical week of astrology
Coinciding with the full Moon in Virgo are the Sun conjunct Mercury and Saturn with some expansive vibes coming from Jupiter. (Illustration: mikroman6 | Getty)

Other Astrological Influences on the Full Moon in Virgo

The full Moon in Virgo during February 2024 creates aspects with Mercury, Saturn, and Jupiter. The Sun falls conjunct, or next to, Mercury and Saturn in Pisces, while the Moon opposes these planets.

Mercury also is the planetary ruler of Virgo, making this planet’s energy very pronounced. Mercury is the planet of communications. It helps us communicate with ourselves and others. It also helps us understand and process information. Next to the Sun in Pisces, Mercury is amplified on the full Moon in Virgo. Its energy encourages you to have conversations with your higher self and ask some of the more challenging questions.

Opposing the full Moon in Virgo, Mercury may feel confrontational. You may not want to answer the questions that Mercury asks. This planet may also bring up memories or experiences that need processing for you to heal, forgive, or detach. You may even find yourself in conversations that feel intense or challenging. These conversations can lead to a breakthrough or healing but will cause you to either break down first or run away from them.

Remember to connect with your breath. This is also an excellent time to journal, allowing both questions and answers to arise. Remain curious about what is coming up for you instead of defensive or evasive. Know that you have access to some of your deeper layers, so communicate with the things you often bury. Know that you have the ability to feel your way through anything, even a challenging conversation.

We also have Saturn working with the Sun and Mercury in Pisces. Saturn is the planet of responsibility and pairs well with the full Moon in Virgo. Saturn in Pisces encourages us to commit to our healing and growth. This transit asks that we find mentors, information, and other sources that allow us to evolve into the next level of ourselves. It also asks that we commit to some of the challenges and hardships of growth, including leaving our comfort zones.

As Saturn meets the Sun, your commitments to yourself amplify this full Moon in Virgo. It’s a time to feel what boundaries you need in place to honor yourself, your path, and your healing. Saturn’s energy helps you declare and uphold boundaries that protect your peace and your personal mission. As this energy opposes the Moon, places you need boundaries may be illuminated. You may even feel the universe is testing you to see if you can stick to your no’s without guilt. Notice any distractions coming in or other energy that takes your focus away from where you want it to be. Instead of indulging it, honor your boundaries and protect your energy by saying no, walking away, or simply placing your focus where you want it.

The energy of communication from Mercury and commitment from Saturn also works with the expansive energy of Jupiter this full Moon. The full Moon is a reminder that healing requires expansion. You must expand and grow past your pain. You must move through your past and into your present by communicating with yourself and honoring your boundaries.

Jupiter always reminds us of our potential. Feel who you were born to be and feel how everything you’ve experienced is part of your process of becoming them. Feel who you could be if you allowed yourself to grow. Who would you be if you released your fear, perfectionism, and unworthiness? Expand into the person you are meant to be by releasing anything that makes you feel not worthy of your intentions.

Meme on black backdrop with white text about life not being perfect
When your tendency is to catastrophize your life, come back to the moment. (Illustration: Unknown)

Your Invitation on the Full Moon in Virgo

Over this full Moon in Virgo, notice where you have been expecting too much of yourself. Where have you expected yourself to be perfect and know everything? Where have you forgotten to trust life? Where have you placed too much power in your own hands and then blamed yourself when things did not go your way?

The full Moon in Virgo is a time to release control and recognize your limitations. You cannot control everything that happens, and you wouldn’t want to. When you surrender control, you leave room for the unimaginable. Instead of micromanaging your life, let the universe take over in some areas. Breathe and let things happen.

The full Moon in Virgo is the perfect time to see yourself in a new light, one that recognizes your innate talents and knows they are enough. It’s also a time to receive praise for your work and know you deserve it. You do not need to compare your life to anyone else’s. Your life is unfolding perfectly for you. Even if you don’t know everything, you know just enough to help you evolve.

You don’t have to be perfect to be part of the Universe. You are part of the rhythm of life, and you were born with a unique set of talents for a reason. You are part of a bigger picture that you may never see. You only can trust that it exists and contribute your small part to making it beautiful. You are magic, and the world is waiting for your magic, even if it is presented imperfectly.

Harness the energy of the full Moon in Virgo to forgive yourself, trust your path, and know that you are always co-creating your reality with the Universe. You call some of the shots, but you do not call all of them. Every mistake is a lesson and every hardship an opportunity to evolve your energy. Release the need to be perfect, along with the need to know all of the answers. Heal the part of you that worries excessively about the future because you feel that you can control the outcome. Instead, find a balance between taking action when needed and trusting the flow of your life.

Learn more about the full Moon in Virgo, including additional astrological insights and journaling prompts, in the Virgo Full Moon Workbook, from which the above is excerpted. Also, explore how to cultivate inner peace and self-awareness with the upcoming A More Mindful You course beginning March 11th.

Jill Wintersteen is the founder of Spirit Daughter, a lifestyle brand devoted to helping you live your best life through understanding the energy of the Universe. She also writes workbooks on each full Moon as well as other astrological events. Follow her on Instagram @spiritdaughter.


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